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While at Oxford I gave tutorials to pairs of second- and third-year undergraduates for three Finals papers: Ethics, Theory of Politics, and Feminist Theory. I also gave a lecture for the Feminist Theory paper, on feminist epistemology. The reading lists and slides I used for these can be found below. In 2021-22 I was a Non-Stipendiary Lecturer at St Hugh's College, in which role I took two classes of first-year undergraduates for Introduction to Moral Philosophy - a paper centred on Mill's Utilitarianism. I have also supervised an undergraduate thesis on trans identities and first-person authority, and taught various applied ethics courses at summer schools for sixth-form students.


Reading list can be found here.

Theory of Politics

Reading list can be found here.

Feminist Theory

Reading list can be found here.


Lecture slides can be found here.

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